The Almonte Learning Garden welcomes children aged 30 months (2.5 years) to 6 years for a Full Day program from September until June, across three seasonally-based program semesters.


The full day at ALG has two major components — a morning Montessori ‘work cycle’ and an afternoon outdoor program, with a movement-based or collaborative group activity and/or quiet time nestled in between.  

A Montessori ‘work cycle’ typically runs for three hours.  During these hours the children are introduced to new materials and left in freedom to choose which activities to pursue.  The Montessori curriculum allows the Teacher/Guides to collaborate with a child by responding to their interests and developing engaging learning opportunities for them.

Afternoon Outdoor Program

Included as part of the Montessori Kindergarten schedule, each afternoon the children will have the opportunity to explore the great outdoors and engage in environmentally-conscious activities—in keeping with our Educating Principles and Methods

Following a quiet time during which children may nap, in the afternoon the entire class has the opportunity to spend time outdoors, enjoying the larger grounds on the property or going on a group excursion to Gemmill Park. Outside activities often include building with fallen branches, working in the garden, following animal tracks in the mud or snow, jumping in muddy puddles, identifying plants, reading books, riding bikes, exploring the forest, or engaging in free-play. We also have weekly trips to the public library.

  • For more on prerequisites for enrolment, see Admission
  • For more on program dates and our seasonal semesters, see ALG Calendar 
  • For more on the day-to-day routine and weekly itinerary, see Program Schedule